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Solal Hormone Balance - 60s

Solal Hormone Balance - 60s

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Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID27882505
Last Updated: 2021-05-11

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Product Information
Hormone Balance Natural HRT is a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy. Hormone Balance Natural HRT contains a proprietary standardised herbal formula, combining the estrogenic and progestogenic herbs, black cohosh and agnus castus. This provides balanced protection from menopausal and PMS symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweat and mood swings. Hormone Balance Natural HRT also contains ipriflavone, a plant
- derived isoflavone, which protects and improves bone mineral density, when used with calcium supplement (such as Solal's Calcium Glycinate, the most bioavailable and effective form of calcium). Product Indications
- Hormone Balance Natural HRT is a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy
- Hormone Balance Natural HRT contains a proprietary standardised herbal formula, combining the estrogenic and progestogenic herbs, black cohosh and agnus castus. This provides balanced protection from menopausal and PMS symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweat and mood swings
- Hormone Balance Natural HRT also contains ipriflavone, a plant
- derived isoflavone, which protects and improves bone mineral density, when used with calcium supplement (such as Solal's Calcium Glycinate, the most bioavailable and effective form of calcium) Dosage Directions
- Adult woman: Take 2 capsules daily, after a meal, or as recommended

by your healthcare provider
- For menopausal symptoms use continuously
- For PMS (pre
- menstrual syndrome) use for 7-10 days, starting about 5 days before end of menstrual cycle
- For bone mineral density protection, use with Solal's Calcium Glycinate. For added menopausal and PMS symptom relief Hormone Balance Natural HRT can be combined with Sol
- Oil Omega 3 & 6 and Magnesium Glycinate Take Note: Hormone Balance Natural HRT contains black cohosh which can in rare cases cause liver problems. If you become unwell or suffer the following symptoms: yellowing eyes/skin, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, abdominal pain, unusual tiredness, then stop immediately and seek medical advice. Hormone Balance Natural HRT should not be used in woman with a history of or suffering from hormone sensitive cancers. Do not exceed recommended dosages unless on the advice of a health care provider. Do not use this product if you are allergic to any of the ingredients. If you are on any medication or suffering from any medical condition, it is advisable to seek medical advice before starting any new medicine, supplement or remedy.

EAN: 6009663991100
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