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Glory Panty Liner 30's x 4 packets

Glory Panty Liner 30's x 4 packets

1 Offer from:   R 232.00

Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID61028859
Last Updated: 2023-04-28

Product Information
At last, we have an affordable premium sanitary disposable napkin for women; which is 100% natural meaning that the pads are biodegradable and have no known allergens as they are free of toxic chemicals. Glory Pads are highly absorbent, super soft, super light and odour free. Embossed with a unique bamboo charcoal centre for maximum absorption and natural antibacterial properties. The bamboo centre helps reduce odours and alleviates menstrual cramps as well as keep infections away. Glory pads are made from 100% natural cotton, free from chemicals and perfumes which are often the leading cause of skin irritations and aggravating infections. The convenient-to-use Glory Pads keep you dry, safe and comfortable. Glory Pads are FDA certified. Community Responsibility: Glory Pads' revenue supports the Menstrual Health Campaign and educational programs in local schools and communities. Glory Pads are making plans to manufacture their pads locally in South Africa to support the local community through job creation. Glory Pads panty liners
- 30's Glory Pads ultra winged pads
- 8's Glory Pads maxi winged pads
- 8's What's in the box 30 x 4 panty liners with unique bamboo centre

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