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Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID34638176
Last Updated: 2020-05-19

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Offers a look at crime through the ages, exploring topics such as pirates, bodysnatchers, gangs and gangsters (who are the Mafia?). This title includes a non-fiction section that also looks at modern crimes, such as people smuggling and internet crime. It is suitable for those with a low level of literacy or learning English as a second language. What links pirates, body snatchers, gangsters and people smugglers? The answer is that they are all criminals. Find out about crime through the ages - and how the Internet is now being used for new kinds of crime. Then find out about the silliest punishment ever! Get the facts. Then read a true story about body snatchers who couldn't wait for people to die: 'Burke and Hare'. This fantastic book features an exciting combination of both fiction and non-fiction. The non-fiction section enables readers to engage with the subject matter, using dramatic illustrations and bite-sized texts. The beautifully illustrated fiction story appears in two formats - short, simple texts for more able readers and an illustrated 'speech bubble' version of the same story, for those who are really struggling. Part of the Trailblazers series, this book is brilliant for keeping reluctant readers

EAN: 9781841676517
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