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Hairy Maclary's Caterwaul Caper

Hairy Maclary's Caterwaul Caper

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Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID34234483
Last Updated: 2020-06-06

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Product Information

This book tells the tale of Scarface Claw the cat who is out exploring and having fun until he gets stuck up a tree. The noise is so terrible that it draws Hairy Maclary's attention. Lynley Dodd is the author of the "Hairy Maclary" stories and "Wake up Bear". "They sniffed and they snuffled, they bustled around, and they saw WHAT was making the terrible sound." Scarface Claw, the biggest cat in the neighbourhood, is out exploring when he gets stuck up a tree. His yowling is terrible - so terrible that it draws Hairy Maclary and all his friends from Donaldson's Dairy to investigate.

EAN: 9780140508734
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