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Hugo Companion

Hugo Companion

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Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID34633976
Last Updated: 2020-06-09

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Brian Selznick takes readers on an intimate tour of the movie-making process as his award-winning book, THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET, is turned into a 3-D major motion picture by Academy Award-winning director, Martin Scorsese. THE HUGO MOVIE COMPANION extends the experience of the book and the movie, and is a must-have for fans of all ages. This heavily illustrated, full-colour, elegant hardcover closely resembles the look and feel of THE INVENTION OF HUGO CABRET. With interviews of key people behind the making of the film; side-by-side visual comparisons of artwork from the book and people, props, costumes and sets from the movie; as well as information about the automatons, early cinema, special effects and 3D technology and more!

EAN: 9780545331555
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