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Mealies and Beans

Mealies and Beans

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Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID35231343
Last Updated: 2020-06-06

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This is the third story about the COOL Nguni calf named Gaps. This time, Gaps and his cousin Sugarbean want to grow mealies and beans for the Farmers' Show. Will they win the prize for the best crop? This is the third story about the COOL Nguni calf named Gaps. This time, Gaps and his cousin Sugarbean want to grow mealies and beans for the Farmers' Show. Will they win the prize for the best crop? Gaps's real name is 'Gaps Between the Branches'. This is because it looks like he is sitting in the shade of a tree, and the sun is making shadows on his hide. Sugarbean's name is 'Sugarbean' because her hide looks like speckled sugar beans.

EAN: 9781431401178
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