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My name is Street Child, Beggar… : Grade 5

My name is Street Child, Beggar… : Grade 5

1 Offer from:   R 71.00

Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID35204168
Last Updated: 2020-06-06

Product Information

Rose is ten years old and living on the streets of Kampala. She has found some friends and learnt how to survive, but every day she hopes for a better life. Will the kind lady find her and help her to go back home?. Rose is ten years old and living on the streets of Kampala. She learnt to survive but she is desperate to find her family and go to school. Everyday she hopes for a better life. Then a kind lady tries to help her go back home. The book illustrates what the life of a street child is like and provides information on how we can help them. My name is Street Child Begger...Rose is currently the main Stars of Africa title being promoted through the Kellogg's Star-in-u road show, of which Maskew Miller Longman is a proud sponsor. The Story is well-received by thousands of children who have the privilege of being exposed to this roadshow

EAN: 9780636049635
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