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Songs and stories of Africa

Songs and stories of Africa

1 Offer from:   R 129.00

Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID35947642
Last Updated: 2020-06-06

Product Information

This wonderful collection of stories, narrated by South Africa's most popular performance storyteller, in her inimitable style, is drawn from her well known book Stories of Africa. In addition, there are a number of songs, most of them written by Gcina Mhlophe This wonderful collection of stories, narrated by South Africa's most popular performance storyteller, in her inimitable style, is drawn from her well known book Stories of Africa. In addition, there are a number of songs, most of them written by Gcina Mhlophe - with the exception of "Imfene emthini - Baboon in the tree" (which is a well known traditional children's song).For the vocals on this CD, Gcina is joined by her daughter, Nomakhwezi Becker, as well as members of the Children's Choir from `Entakemazolo H.P. School in Hammarsdale (a rural area in KwaZulu-Natal. In Gcina's words: "I love sharing my songs and stories with others. But my favourite way of relating them is the ancient way of my people - telling them face to face, in front of a live audience. Oh the thrill of seeing faces reacting to what you are saying, of feeling the energy go from the storyteller and back again! I hope that

CD will carry some of that thrill to you, the listener, and that you, too, will feel a story or a song awaken inside you and find yourself wishing to tell it to others. Yes you! Because every living being has a story to tell. So let's keep passing on the magic"

EAN: 9781869141141
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