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The Legend of Spud Murphy

The Legend of Spud Murphy

1 Offer from:   R 119.00

Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID35522552
Last Updated: 2020-06-06

Product Information

During the holidays, Will and his big brother Marty are packed off to the library, the home of the dreaded librarian Spud Murphy, who uses a spud gun on kids who put a foot wrong. Eventually, Will and Marty discover a love of books and that Mrs Murphy isn't so bad after all. Ages 8+. Will has four brothers and it's chaos in his house! If he's not being teased by his big brother Marty, he has to deal with the terrible, three-headed bundle of cuteness that is his three younger brothers. Even worse, his mother has the brilliant idea of packing Will and Marty off to the library during the holidays. She just doesn't understand! Not only is the library no fun, it's also the habitat of the legendary librarian Spud Murphy. If you put a foot wrong, it's rumoured she will use her dreaded gas-powered spud gun and you don't want that - just ask Ugly Frank how he got his nickname! Eventually Will and Marty discover a love of books and that Mrs Murphy isn't so bad after all!

EAN: 9780141317083
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