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Unfinished Angel (eBook)

Unfinished Angel (eBook)

1 Offer from:   R 72.00

Brand: Unbranded
Model: PLID38536943
Last Updated: 2020-06-17

Product Information

Newbery Medal winner Sharon Creech crafts a truly endearing story, one that is imbued with happiness, wonder, and an appreciation for all the little things that make life big. With beautiful, fresh new cover art, this is a gem of a book.In the winding stone tower of the Casa Rosa, in a quiet little village in the Swiss Alps, lives one very unlikely angelone that is still awaiting her instructions from the angel-training center. What happens to an angel who doesnt know her mission? She floats and swishes from high above, watching the crazy things that peoples say and do. But when a zany American girl named Zola arrives in town and invades the Casa Rosa, dogs start arfing, figs start flying through the air, lost orphans wander in, and the village becomes anything but quiet. And as Zola and the angel work together to rescue the orphans, they each begin to realize their purpose and learn that there is magic in the most ordinary acts of kindness.

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