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Kit guillow balsa wwii (p40 warhwk)419mm

Kit guillow balsa wwii (p40 warhwk)419mm

1 Offer from:   R 598.00

Brand: Guillows Kits
Model: SHG0501
Last Updated:

Product Information

The P-40 earned undying fame as the "Flying Tiger" of World War 2 when flown by General Claire Chennault`s Volunteer Group fighting the Japanese in China and Burma. It also saw much service in the Middle East where it was used by Britain`s R.A.F. and nicknamed the Tomahawk and Kittyhawk. When World War 2 broke out, the P-40 was the only fighter available in quantity to the U.S.A.A.F., it being the first American single-seat plane to be manufactured in the U.S. on a mass production basis. By the end of the war, over 14,000 planes had been delivered to fighting theatres.

Wing Span: 16½"
Scale: Approx 1/30

Load Time: 1 seconds