Showing 3211 - 3220 of 16047
Aerial Concepts
Showing 3211 - 3220 of 16047
Voltage regulator pbx 5 3v
Features : Available with 5.3V or 6.0V regulated output Constant current up to 3A - according to the cooling Peakcurrent up to
Brand: Powerbox
Voltage regulator pbx 6.0v
Features : Available with 5.3V or 6.0V regulated output Constant current up to 3A - according to the cooling Peakcurrent up to
Brand: Powerbox
Powerbox teleconverter s-bus 2 por
The PowerBox Teleconverter provides a means of connecting any PowerBox with a telemetry output to a Futaba S-BUS2 telemetry system. All
Brand: Powerbox
Magic jeti switch pbx red connector por
The Magic Jeti Switch makes it possible to switch any PowerBox on and off from the transmitter. It forms the
Brand: Powerbox
Magic jeti switch pbox black connect por
Description The Magic Jeti Switch makes it possible to switch any PowerBox on and off from the transmitter. It forms
Brand: Powerbox
Powerbox sensor v3 (2 in-2 out regulated
The PowerBox Sensor V3 is the third generation of the PowerBox Sensor, which is well-known throughout the world. For almost
Brand: Powerbox
Digi switch pbx v2 1in-1out reg & in=out
The PowerBox DigiSwitch V2 is the second generation of the PowerBox Digi- Switch, which is well-known throughout the world. For almost
Brand: Powerbox
Temp probe pbx & jeti pbs-t250deg
Temperature probe 250°C Temperatur probe for SparkSwitch Pro and PBS-T250
Brand: Powerbox
Temp sensor (x5) pbx & jeti pbs-t250deg
The PBS-T250 can measure a maximum of five temperatures simultaneously, which means that it is even possible to monitor all
Brand: Powerbox
Pressure sensor pbx jeti&fut p16 bar por
The robust aluminium case is machined from solid, and contains a small pressure chamber fitted with a digital Mems pressure
Brand: Powerbox